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Computer Defination - computer 247

Computer i.e. a combination of two words “compute” +”er”. Compute means calculation and “er” means a device. It can perform all type of mathematical and logical operations, it can accept data, store data, retrieve data and print data. Charles Babbage was known as father of computer. He invented two machines in 1822 introduced Difference Engine and in 1834, introduced Analytical engine. ENIAC was the first digital computer and it was invented by J.Presper Eckert and John Mauchly at the university of Pennsylvania and began construction in 1943. It uses 18000 vacuum  tubes as a storing device. MIT introduces the whirlwind machine (first computer with RAM)on march 8 1955. First computer company was founded by J. Presper Eckert and John Mauchly, initially named Electronic Controls company, later changed to The Eckert–Mauchly Computer Corporation (EMCC) and released a series of mainframe computer under the name of UNIVAC.